Isa 54:16 Behold, I have created the smith that bloweth the coals in the fire, and that bringeth forth an instrument for his work; and I have created the waster to destroy.
What a mess...Just like I tole my wife in 2002....I said this was all going to be a big mess. Mainly because we have over complicated war. When you invade a country you have to consider that every one in that country is against you to begin with.
The US has enjoyed an; unprecedented in history, reputation of being saviors not invaders. The run of the mill know that we come not to take, but to give. However we have endured more troubles due to this desire of ours not to take "innocent lives". In this manner we have failed miserably. Afghanistan is landlocked surrounded by like cultured nations and one of those nations we have commited the whoredom of allying with' Pakistan. However the people of those countries religion are raised to think of us as abominable and yet we do not take that seriously.... we should. Pakistan is now likely an unviable route. In fact they are sitting on that proverbial picket fence with one of those stakes up their butts. The stake is; their people are religiously aligned against us. So it is no surprise that Afghanistan; which has a population above 100 million( in history no invader has ever conquered a nation with a population greater than 100 million), has all kinds of conspiracy theories run amok amongst their people that we want to invade and conquer and take their nukes.....That is another guffawing laugh..... is not that hard to imagine that it is easy to recruit armed antagonists from amongst their people; to disrupt supply routes into Afghanistan, because Pakistan for it's size is still third world and does not rule it's territory completely nor can it afford to money wise.
I said this also. We should not get involved in these messes. In fact in October of 2001 the moment after they said that Al-queda knocked down the WTC; I said turn the other cheek. Why I said that at the moment was a simple knee jerk reaction.. But nooooooo there was a blood in the water, and we the people wanted revenge, and the media was hyping up revenge constantly; so we pulled all our allies into an assault on lowly Afghanistan. We can't up and leave because we should not leave the people of Afghanistan in the lurk. The US is not an empire so to speak, but an empire of economic might that the world has never seen before, and it is no surprise that in the last ten years our empire is badly tarnished. As destroyer of empires Afghanistan is batting 1000. None have survived the invasion of Afghanistan.
What curse has been laid that should make lowly Afghanistan the destructor of empires. You know what I think. It's prince is the destroyer.
Isa 54:16 Behold, I have created the smith that bloweth the coals in the fire, and that bringeth forth an instrument for his work; and I have created the waster to destroy.
What a mess...Just like I tole my wife in 2002....I said this was all going to be a big mess. Mainly because we have over complicated war. When you invade a country you have to consider that every one in that country is against you to begin with.
The US has enjoyed an; unprecedented in history, reputation of being saviors not invaders. The run of the mill know that we come not to take, but to give. However we have endured more troubles due to this desire of ours not to take "innocent lives". In this manner we have failed miserably. Afghanistan is landlocked surrounded by like cultured nations and one of those nations we have commited the whoredom of allying with' Pakistan. However the people of those countries religion are raised to think of us as abominable and yet we do not take that seriously.... we should. Pakistan is now likely an unviable route. In fact they are sitting on that proverbial picket fence with one of those stakes up their butts. The stake is; their people are religiously aligned against us. So it is no surprise that Afghanistan; which has a population above 100 million( in history no invader has ever conquered a nation with a population greater than 100 million), has all kinds of conspiracy theories run amok amongst their people that we want to invade and conquer and take their nukes.....That is another guffawing laugh..... is not that hard to imagine that it is easy to recruit armed antagonists from amongst their people; to disrupt supply routes into Afghanistan, because Pakistan for it's size is still third world and does not rule it's territory completely nor can it afford to money wise.
I said this also. We should not get involved in these messes. In fact in October of 2001 the moment after they said that Al-queda knocked down the WTC; I said turn the other cheek. Why I said that at the moment was a simple knee jerk reaction.. But nooooooo there was a blood in the water, and we the people wanted revenge, and the media was hyping up revenge constantly; so we pulled all our allies into an assault on lowly Afghanistan. We can't up and leave because we should not leave the people of Afghanistan in the lurk. The US is not an empire so to speak, but an empire of economic might that the world has never seen before, and it is no surprise that in the last ten years our empire is badly tarnished. As destroyer of empires Afghanistan is batting 1000. None have survived the invasion of Afghanistan.
What curse has been laid that should make lowly Afghanistan the destructor of empires. You know what I think. It's prince is the destroyer.
Isa 54:16 Behold, I have created the smith that bloweth the coals in the fire, and that bringeth forth an instrument for his work; and I have created the waster to destroy.
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