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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Uhhhh...they got a point

Ohhhh dear dear..... The FBI has certainly gone and done it now.....Whining about the use of their insignia for an encyclopedic article.....Cause it's not like it isn't in a million other places online.....However it is an argument that the FBI; over the last 30 years, has morphed into something fascist and detestable......Living for their feelings and not facts.....

Nor did they game it out in their mind about what they might do to save some one from drowning.....I find this ultimately tragic on so many levels.....

Most of the time I like the quote of the day I have as an app on the lower part of my side bar but this one reads like a death threat.... Ya, I know that it was probably unintentional but what the hell does a historical figure and what he thinks of sleeping; which was weird, have to do with life anyway.... Proof that almost any intellectual has some kind of fucked up going for him.....

Here is the quote:
"There is only one thing...that I dislike in sleep; 'tis that it resembles death; there's very little difference between a man in his first sleep, and a man in his last sleep."
Miguel de Cervantes (1547-1616)

First an article that may need expansion later..... if I get around to it.....The fourteenth amendment.....It really doesn't matter if the original authors of the amendment knew for sure that if a child was born on US soil ect ect....the thing is.....What it says goes.....A Constitutional amendment would have to be enacted and what makes this congress or the next one think that it can amend the constitution when it rejects the school prayer amendment....Which one of you think you have the power to overcome God almighty in this.....I am here now to tell you you will not be able to overcome he who made you and no less than owns the material that he made you with.....Not to mention your souls and spirits.....tell me you people can overcome his ownership of all that is....and I will call you a liar.....If you were the pope and said such nonsense to me I would dare to call you a liar to your problem.....
As to the Republicans fears that they would alienate the Hispanic votes....Stupid. They would only alienate those who'r are against them anyway......that be mainly the drug shits and those they might be able to influence, and that would be those stupid fucks in government who can be influenced or blackmailed.....So their fears are misplaced.....As to adding to the fourteenth amendment.....not not, but nope, or is it no, fuck no.....hows that? Let's see hows that go?........negative times negative equals positive, times negative equals negative, times, Ok I see it, it is no then......get it....

B-duhBP stopped the oil leak by throwing mud at it. Now if we can just throw enough mud at Washington DC to stop them up. Now to address the issue of people throwing muc in my mommas yard. Thanks I will just metaphorically throw it at Washington however if I catch you doing it......well lets just say that you will not be feeling so good about yourselves for the rest of your life......guilt has a way debilitating you in ways you cannot imagine......

Wow....I just told a person last night that there would be no civil war, but that the electoral process was our hope....It appears(I never feel comfortable using relative scientific meanderings) that the left would love for there to be a civilian uprising...I think that would be so they could make their cowards call for the UN to step in to help put us down.....the electoral process is looking real good right now.....soo great big BWA to the craaaazy left.....But if need be; should the curtain call come in, I will be happy to take up arms against this despicable atrocity we call a government.....

I think what would happen would be the rest of the world would be less than interested in getting in the middle of a civil war here in the states, simply because the cost would be to great to justify......mor'n that....I think that right now they would be a thinking wait it out when the dust settles then they move in....What the left doesn't realize is that the constituionalist oriented would win this hands down....We got the manpower the brains the moxy and the mental toughness that they in no wise posses.... In other words when push comes to shove we would would simply and mercilessly annihilate them.....and then hang them for treason......

I see that in spite of massive amounts of hype the people are not buying the crap. Missourians have said, "no" they don't like the idea and don't want it....... I asked a woman if she had seen any results come her way in this health care nonsense....She said, said nonsense....I can't do that, it's not blue enough.....

BAM! This is huge.....There is a very large natural gas deposit under Isreal.....

This is Treason

The ACLU is committing an act of treason.......

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