The Bp well disaster is the worst accidental spill in history.....Aaaand it happened on the democrats watch....
Yeah yeah cajones heh heh......
And the old economy just can't seem to get all started back up what with all that thrifty shopping going on........
Oops, more incumbent blight out...the ...door...Ya know Rush is always saying I'm right. Maybe this is too I will reiterate this same using my name of course but with one little codicil....BY GOD I'M RIGHT!!! Throw the Goddamn blighters out of office for even contemplating usurping the Constitution RAH RAH SIS BOOM BA!!!! I'm cheering them on ya know........
Success again.....One more slap to the Obama regime.....BLAP......NEXT.......I wished I could say I hate to say I told ya so, but I don't really hate it.......I told ya so.......
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