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Friday, September 3, 2010

So I get up this morning

And I go down stairs get me some coffee.....I remember that it is supposed to be in the fifties this wife has the door open and the breeze and fresh scent of the air does indeed tell me that it must be cool.....I go back up stairs to open our bedroom windows, turn the window AC off....I think of my infra-red-digital thermometer, so I grab it and go back downstairs and check the temp out the back door...60 degrees....I come back up stairs get my cup put my thermometer up go back down stars and make myself a cup of coffee.....I get a butt out of the ash tray (no cigarettes) and light it up, and guess what? no thing weird.....nothing has got me riled ....yet....first time in a couple of between my wife and sister and mom I ain't mad about nuthin.....yet....Of course I ain't thinking of doing anything to get them going wife says here I set back a cigarette for you. "I says you got to stop doing should be doing that with money, not cigarettes"..... I didn't yell....there is that black old midsized pickup in the neighbors drive.....different from the newer black full size pickup that I normally see....makes me wonder if the neighbor is gettin some from two different guys.....

She is a 50 some divorce with a autistic kid about 17..... He got out of hand the other day....I heard shouting coming from next door and opened the door to listen. She was pleading with him and he was shouting.....he ran across the street yelled you bitch and selected some item off the that neighbors porch and threw it then recrossed the street and started banging on another neighbors door all the while screaming I want to go to school.....She was pleading with him and telling him that the police were going to come.....for him to stop that and get back in the house.....Hm, he might be getting too big for her to handle anymore I thought..... anyway.....Friday I could look at the news but I don't really want to get all riled up right now.....I saw enough last night to last me a while...I watched on national news an old man on TV get tazed by a cop in his own living room because he wouldn't go to the hospital. The quote was (cop)"get in the ambulance". Old mans wife shouts "He has a heart condition" Old man: "Fuck you I don't have any insurance". The cop..."buzzzzzzzzz" the old man, "screaming", falls to the floor. The cop yelling, "stop resisting" the old woman in the background "screaming".

Oh wait here is the video...

I wonder if the fucking idiot cop knew that he was being recorded.........and that he was about to make national news.

My take: No Goddamn cop can make not one mother fucking anybody go to a hospital unless the person is unconscious, at which time the unconscious person would have not choice. The news report says their is a civil Law suit....I didn't catch whether the old man died during the multiple tazing.... If the guy died....It would have been murder, and a serious violation of his civil rights....

If you are a cop.....think....Smile you could be on candid camera.....You could be imprisoned for violating the constitutional rights of someone. That be federal prison. If you are a city official ask yourselves.... does the city and the people of the city have the millions it would take to settle a law suit of that caliber. If you are a police chief can your career stand the shame and embarrassment of having one of yours murder someone just because apparently that individual cop has a hidden personal agenda? The answer is NO! But all of you will either lose your jobs, or go to jail or pay for the rest of your lives, for pulling some kind of FUCKED UP shit like that. And the stigma shall follow you all the rest of your lives....
As far as tasers....the cops kill 4 people a month in the US with tasers.....
Now you know why I don't want to look at the news right now.....BTW that happened in Florida..... I been hearing a lot of crazy shit from Florida....for several years. Have they gone stark raving maniacally nuts down there or what?

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