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Friday, July 30, 2010

One tickers down'a but I got two

I have been tossing this around trying to figure, out how this would figure, in (poetic). If a child is born in the USA to an illegal immigrant then yeah. No citizenship for the child. Cool. I got a thousand words on that subject too but I be keepn' them to myself for the moment. Too much aldente in my writing, got to let this one simmer for a while longer.

Did you know tha GM makes more cars in China now than in the US? Heard that on NPR. _____ traitorous GM.

Corporations are mining more money and the economy grew but after revision of the numbers by the fed the economy shrunk last year. Stocks are down. Consumers aren't turning cautious. They ain't got no freebie money to spend. No government handouts. Corporations are going deep into debt and they are investing like crazy..........over seas.....I Don't think that the atheists bastards get it..........Without the US fueling the worlds economies on the backs of the American workers there is no prosperity just a lot of hype and BS floating around on the water.......I can't wait until it all dawns on them what a serious mistake it was to not have trade tariffs. They think that prosperity being a nuance of human whim that if they were smart enough they could direct it another way....away from the crazy God loving God fearing Americans.....Great big giant belly guffaw.....Ya'all see......

Secrets? We don't need no stinking secrets.

So why was Billy the Kid a folk hero? Is there something to Garret being the outlaw and Billy just defending his rights......with a gun......? I say throw some more coal on the fire and see if we can smoke the truth out......Pardon him.....Yay'a.....Pictures at the top.....whats with the funky hat.... they must of thought it was gauche back then......Google's picture uploader ain't all that.....cain't put the picture where I want it.....

Nooo, they pulled you over because your windshield was cracked. The police always pull people over if they can see that your windshield is cracked...It's a safety hazard for you.....Nothing to do with what the name of your truck is. Now if the same guy pulls you over a few times in a row shortly there might could be something there.....But I seriously doubt it.....

Ahh yes, how to keep the ball from coming back to you(reelected) by the executive branch......

Slowing recovery keeps employment down. No childing....I....mean kidding....

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